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Watercolour Therapy

Emma Jessen • 1 December 2023

Discover the art of healing through watercolours; reduce stress and reconnect with your childhood joy through painting 

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to feel like time is slipping away and we've lost touch with the simplicity of childhood. But here's the thing: we have more time than we think.  

Consider those hours spent checking our phones and watching TV? They add up. And they don’t always do a lot for us. We compare ourselves to supermodels, to the rich, to marathon runners or to the unemployed friend who always seems to be in a new country. The result? We feel old, drained and cheated by the end of the week, and 'I wish I could feel like a kid again,' is something we find ourselves constantly wishing for. Well, here’s the good news: We hold the secret for recapturing childhood magic... By redirecting the time you spend on devices, you can heal yourself through the playfulness of art.        

Reconnecting with Your Inner Child Through Watercolour Painting 

There is something incredibly nostalgic, playful and healing about working with watercolours. The vibrant colours, the sense of freedom, the splodges of stray paint that work their way up your arm, it all makes you feel exactly like a kid again.

Where To Start? 
A J Ludlow’s Exclusive Watercolour “All you need to paint” sets have everything you need to tap back into these childhood memories and take you back to the simpler times that you are missing. Each set has two charming pencil-drawn designs — You can choose anything from festive robins, puffins on holiday or scenic castles. It also includes 3 eco-friendly, professional-grade watercolours and two top-quality brushes. Whether you have experience in painting or not, these sets are perfect for anyone. The sets also come with step-by-step instructions!

The Benefits of Painting Nature 

Reconnect with a youthful sense of wonder by painting natural scenes and take a rest from life’s chaos. Pick up A J Ludlow's robin or puffin set and the worries of adult life melt away through painting.

How to Achieve Mindfulness through Art 

Becoming conscious of the way the brush feels in your hand, noticing the smell of the paint, watching how the colour glides across the page, and paying attention to your senses are all ways you can achieve mindfulness through art.

Sustaining the Hobby 
A J Ludlow's secret sauce? It's all about keeping the hobby spark alive! With a focus on the creative journey, top-notch materials, and the sheer joy of it all, they make sure your artistic passion never dims. Your hobby, your purpose, your endless joy – A J Ludlow's got it all covered!

Tips and Tricks for Beginners

 Just starting out? Here's a couple things to remember:
Firstly, it is important to remember: your art is Good enough Relax. Enjoy the process. 
Secondly: don’t forget ‘wet on wet’. Wet the paper and the brush and watch the colours infuse with each other.  
Lastly: paintbrushes and paper make a difference. Luckily, we have provided you with the highest quality but be mindful of this for future endeavours.


Well, I do hope you found Emma's ARTicle interesting, Why not visit our "All you need to paint" range of watercolour painting sets and see for yourself, why Emma thinks they are a good place to start to reconnect with your inner child.

We at A J Ludlow Colours would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a  happy New Year. Look out for next month’s issue in the new year, when we will be looking into another aspect of watercolour and watercolour painting. 
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