Blog Post


A glance at the Patchings Art Festival

Meiru Ludlow • 1 August 2022

 Meeting new people and catching up with old friends


Summer is always the most active time for everybody to go out, to catch up with friends or to explore. We did all of these in Nottingham during the Patchings Art Festival in the middle of July.

The first day started very early, many visitors came to our standard before 10 o’clock to see and select the expertly handmade watercolours in person.

After a busy day, we went to Nottingham Centre to explore the oldest pub, Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem. It’s just what you did on a hot day sitting in a pub built in a stone cave and sip a pint of refreshing cask ale. 

Like many others, artist, Anjana Cawdell, came to select her favourite colours. All of the A J Ludlow Professional Watercolours were very inviting; she had a hard work to make decision. 

During the Art Festival, we invited some artists to do demos and talking about how A J Ludlow Professional Watercolours enhanced their artworks.

Top left, Meiru Ludlow was doing a watercolour demo.

Middle left, Jonathan Pullen was talking the colours and colour mixing.

Bottom left, Peter Millward was demonstrating Chinese painting with A J Ludlow watercolours.

Top right, Jim Patterson from Two Rivers Paper Company was testing our colours on his exquisite handmade paper.

Bottom left, Jenny McKenzie was demonstrating watercolour painting.

It’s great to meet new people and catch up with old friends. We had so many interesting conversations with visitors, listening to their stories of using A J Ludlow Professional Watercolours.

Top left, Anjana Cawdell and her watercolour painting "Tulips and Tangerines".

Top right, our old friend Lesley Linley and some of her stunning landscape paintings.

Bottom left, a new friend, Andrew Storrie.

Bottom right, Gary and the Hahnemuhle crew.

We look forward to seeing everybody again next year!
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